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Living an urban lifestyle with 6 useful tricks.

It cannot be denied that urban life nowadays leaves almost no time for people to take care of themselves because they have to wake up early to overcome traffic jams and air pollution, sit and work in the office, buy food at convenience stores, consume popular drinks like pearl milk tea to increase energy, and end up coming home to watch the series until late.

Do you know that the behavior that we are accustomed to is a health destructive behavior? But that's not too late to do. Even though there are fitness centers around the city and we may get some exercise. But there are other important things to be done together with exercise for good health as I will be sharing these 6 tricks with you below.

1. Sleep fast and wake up early is the way to slow down aging.

Sleeping 6-8 hours is a good thing. But sleeping at midnight will probably not produce 100% good results. When we sleep, our body will secrete growth hormones. This hormone will only work approximately before midnight and work when we sleep deeply. Most of us have to spend a long time before we sleep. If we sleep at 9 pm, the hormones will work at about 11 pm when this hormone is released, our body will be repaired efficiently. But if we sleep later, our bodies may not be revitalized as they should.

Good sleep should be at the right temperature and should not have communication tools in the bedroom area. When we wake up refreshed without feeling tired or wanting to sleep more, that is quality sleep. By then, we can say goodbye to our wrinkles after all.

2. Exercise your body can strengthen your heart.

Exercise is not only for people who lose weight or bodybuilders. In fact, exercise helps to strengthen our heart, pump blood and reduce fat. People who exercise therefore are less likely to get sick than people who do not exercise. But if you don't really have time to exercise, walking up and down the stairs instead of taking the lift can strengthen your heart, too. Or you may choose to walk instead of using transportation in case the destination is not too far away.

While we exercise, our brains release endorphins that make us happy. This hormone is helpful in reducing stress and alleviating depression.

3. Socialize with people can makes you smile and laugh.

Socializing or meeting old friends and making new friends is another way to improve your mental health as not meeting anyone can put us at risk of developing depression. Therefore, meeting people, or even having a dinner with friends once a month will help relax your state of mind more. Furthermore, making new friends also gives us more experience as well. Sometimes listening to friends tells stories is more fun than reading comments on social media. Maybe even more fun than sleeping at home watching the series. Try sharing some joy with jokes, because laughter can also cause us to release endorphins as well.

4. Eat some good foods.

Food is a good medicine for the body. Eating foods that are healthy and nutritious will make our bodies work better. Choosing to eat food that is free from chemicals is another important thing to keep your body healthy. Nowadays, healthy organic foods are sold in many ways and are easier to find than before, whether the food is packaged for delivery or the availability of organic products on shelf in the supermarket. With the latter choice, you can enjoy cooking your own food for many meals. Cooking is getting more trendy among new generation as it is delicious, convenient and time saving.

5. Keep drinking water.

Pearl milk tea does not count in this regard! You should drink water because our body needs water for life. The drinking water should be clean water with temperatures that are not too cold with about 2-3 liters of water consumed per day. Drinking water makes the blood flow better, prevents constipation, reduces acne and helps the skin to become hydrated and smooth.

6. Give your body and mind some time to rest and relax.

Work is always a competition in itself, which comes with a lot of pressure. But the important thing is to relax the body and mind to relieve stress because otherwise you will become sleepless, fatter, shabby and unproductive. A good rest should be laid down by technology and social media as well. For those who can't take a long holiday, you may find time to go to the spa, and get yourself relaxed for an hour and two. This is also considered a relaxation that can be done alternatively.



Christa Usada

Freelance Model



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