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Open Mind Project: The Connector

The images of colorful musicals are used to tell the story of a middleman who was absorbed in his own self-interest, until one day, his actions backlashed against his close ones .. This is the next episode of the OPEN MIND PROJECT, under the title of THE CONNECTOR, directed by Bunyan Arisriwattana.

THE CONNECTOR is a sequel of LOST, the first part of this series. LOST unfolds the story of a consumer affected by chemical contaminants in foods. If anyone is looking for an Easter Egg in the move, it might be worth noting the name Perfect Green that appears in the form of food packaging. We can notice the products of Perfect Green when ‘Angie’, the beautiful female idol, picked up to review, or when ‘Nat’, her photographer, bought stuff in the supermarket.

What is the origin of Perfect Green?

Perfect Green is the name of the supermarket in THE CONNECTOR, owned by ‘Thiti’, played by Thapanat Sattayanurak. Thiti is a perfectionist, and everything in life must be perfect. His distinctive character is how he is always ‘on fleek’, from the length of his suits to the pantones that he always carries to check on things. This standard extends to the fruits and vegetables in Perfect Green supermarket; the tomatoes must be the same size and their colors must be fresh according to the specified pantone. If the vegetables have holes, they will be disqualified from appearing on the shelves of the supermarket.

Thiti’s perfectionism does not stop at the supermarket. Thiti has a wife and daughter, and the ingredients of every meal they eat must be from the Perfect Green supermarket. Those are the fruits and vegetables that cannot be confirmed as safe or not, because vegetables grown without chemicals cannot be referred to as ‘perfect’ under Thiti’s definition.

Day after day, the child’s immune system was not as strong as the adults. The chemical contaminants in the daily consumptions caused ‘Fairy’, Thiti’s daughter, to fall ill and be hospitalized. That was the turning point for Thiti, he became aware that his actions.. were far from perfect.

Although the story of THE CONNECTOR seemed fun because it was told in a colorful musical, but the content hits the middlemen and consumers like us right in the core. Middlemen often concentrate on the profits and loss until they forget about the consumers, which becomes an indirect murder. Similarly, consumers focus on outer aesthetics and choose products that are appealing, without considering how that beauty originated. Sadly, what remains are the products that are in bad conditions and does not look aesthetically pleasing, which is a devasting chain that directly affects the farmers.

Sustainable organic farming system cannot exist unless consumers, middlemen, and farmers cooperate seriously.. leave the disputes behind, because each and every one of you plays an important part in driving organic farming and the sustainability of agricultural systems.




Paranee Lerdwattanasombat

Independent Writer



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