Clean food has become a term that has been heard more and more over the past years, such as clean chicken breast with rice and clean fried pork with rice labeled with energy and calories tag. Eating clean food is eating foods which have least processes in production. Many people may think that clean food is just about cutting the fat off, but actually It's not just that, because eating clean food is to consume the least processed food, fresh, clean, flavored with the least seasoning, and still have the nutrition the body needs for any age of consumer.

Why are you not getting thinner from eating clean food?
Cal-In and Cal-Out are still a key factor in determining whether gaining or losing weight. Many people eat clean food, however, still consume more amount of food than they burn out per day. That means the food that has been consumed is not used and therefore is stored as fat in different parts of your body as a result. This is also not to mention about the matter of nutrition that most people tend to overlook.
Therefore, clean food may not be the absolute answer to weight loss, but it will improve your health by just reducing the consumption of processed foods, using organic vegetables for cooking, reducing flavoring and avoiding bad fats. However, with a fast-paced life, it may be inconvenient for many people to make their own clean meals at every meal. What you can do is just try to avoid processed foods, rating organic food grown with non-contaminated natural methods. This can help better your health as well.

Nutrition is also one of the main key factors.
Normally, people tend to count the amount of energy and calories from food we consume. People tend to consume less energy per day, but actually our body is complex and it needs food to feed different parts. For example: vitamins can contribute to strong hair and nails, the good fat can help with brain functions or even protein, which is an important food of our muscles as well as many other things that our bodies need. Therefore, eating clean food that is full of nutrients will make your body even healthier and may prevent you from having to buy additional supplements after all.
Let’s begin eating clean food.
After knowing that clean food is not only for people who want to lose weight, but it also makes us healthier. Because it reduces processing and chemicals, while increasing vegetables and meat from organic agriculture. In other words, it is a natural food that has been less flavored. How to start eating clean food? When you shop for food, you should use unprocessed meats or meats that can't be stored for a long time because there are no preservatives. For vegetables and rice, you should choose organic vegetables to avoid various substances such as pesticide, and choose unpolished rice to receive more natural vitamins. When cooking, you should season your food to a minimum, avoid adding sugar to the food and use the natural sweetness of vegetables for your better health.

What if I have no time to cook clean food?
We have to admit that if anyone lives in the city, they may not have time to spend on organic food shopping and do their own cooking, which makes eating clean food seem impossible. Ordering clean food may be the easiest especially in cities like Bangkok where clean food is delivered by many stores and you can even purchase it at the sky train station.
Eating clean food is not difficult at all, right? Good health starts with everything around us and today, and cooking your own clean food everyday is not necessary anymore when you can order and purchase easily these days. I think it’s about time to better our health, starting from the food we eat on our daily basis.
Christa Prasitsak
Freelance Model