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Do you trust the food we have everyday?

Since my young age, breakfast is always our favourite meal. Every day, my dish would consist of eggs, spinach, fried with cheese, ham or bacon, bread or two pancakes and 1 glass of fresh milk. Some days there were some more fruits. My first dish of every morning was believed to be sufficient and suitable for starting a new day that consists of protein, carbohydrates, vegetables and nutrition fats that are almost complete. But why do I still have bad digestive system and constipation on a regular basis although I ate fruits and vegetables and had plenty of water? So, I went to see many doctors and everyone said the same thing that I have the "Irritable bowel syndrome”, which can be treated according to symptoms only.

In some periods, my constipation lasted until there was heat in the pimples on the forehead until it became chronic inflammatory acne during my adolescence. I ran back and forth to the acne clinic, however, it never worked. So, I tried seeing dermatologist in the hospital where I was given medication, but the forehead and nose acne did not appear to be reduced. Until I was suggested by the doctor if I should stop drinking cow’s milk.

Have you ever thought that the acne, weight gaining and headache issues can be caused by the foods you eat daily?

After refraining from cow's milk for more than 3 months, inflammatory acne gradually disappeared. Though there may be some more but less than before. Since that time, it has been almost 10 years I have been trying to avoid cow's milk products and I barely have acne as a result. As for constipation, it is better for some periods only.

Two years ago, I began to come back to professional modelling again.Therefore, I began to control diet, reduced fat and ate organic food. I searched for information about how much food we should consume, how to calculate calories and exercise to fit the body. I said goodbye to snacks and I only had eggs, lean chicken meat, organic vegetables and brown rice as my

Believe it or not, I surprisingly put on 3 more kilograms after 2 months of doing what I said above. I thought whether I miscalculated anything, but not at all. I did not over exercise either. But I still had constipation though I consumed sufficient amount of vegetable and water. What is happening to me?

Is that a hidden food allergy?

I took this concern to consult with others. Everyone teased me that either I became fat because of the wrong diet or just because I ate too much. However, I searched for information on the internet and that my conditions happened to match with a "leaky gut syndrome”, whether it was bloating, constipation, acne, insomnia, headache, migraine and "weight gain" despite the diet.

The leaky gut syndrome is caused by our allergies to food that our intestines cannot work as they should be. The method of treatment is to refrain from consuming what we are allergic to for 3-6 months. But how do we know what we food allergy do we have? In order to know that, I decided to proceed with the hidden food allergy detection test.

Get to know your body.

The hidden food allergy detection test can diagnosed over 222 types of food via blood test result which can be heard witin 5 days.

When the results came out, I found that I was allergic to more than 20 types of food, which cow's milk was one of them. But more surprisingly than cow's milk, I was also allergic to egg white in which I used it as a main ingredient in every meal. In addition, I was also allergic to wheat, rice and beans. This does not include some grains and fruits just yet.

What else can I eat? I was very worried after knowing the result because many foods which I could be allergic to, are all my favourite menu. What should I do next?

Having food allergy does not mean we lost to the world or anything.

I was always suggested by many people to over consume what I am allergic to, so that my body can get over it.

The regular food allergies will cause symptoms after eating within a few hours. Some people have immediate allergies. Itching, mouth, mouth, swelling, nausea or even suffocation. But in hidden food allergies, it is not like that. The symptom will gradually occur after eating food that we are allergic to for about 3-5 days after the consumption. Maybe it does not suffer us much, but it will destruct our intestinal system every day which is very bad. I don’t think it’s a good idea if our body is getting gradually destroyed by resisting to eat what our bodies are allergic to. That’s not the permanent happiness for me.

We won’t be allergic to them forever.

When we refrain from food we are allergic to for 3-6 months, we may gradually increase the amount of that food in some meals only (do it rarely). With this procedure, our intestines have already treated themselves and may be stiff in accepting only small amounts of food that are allergic to.

Food allergy checks can be repeated. We can refrain from those food for some amount of time that we think our bodies are healed already. In the absence of that food, we should consume other foods that are fresh, clean, hygienic and less processed. Consuming organic vegetables is another help to avoid the accumulation of contaminants that come with vegetables that will destroy our health. This consumption can make our body strong again.



Christa Prasitsak

Freelance Model


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